Safety and Innovation since 1976

Versilia Marine Service was founded in Viareggio in 1976 and has since specialised in marketing, maintenance, and inspection services for safety devices at sea for leisure craft and commercial and military vessels. Over the years, it has acquired qualified personnel and expanded the range of services offered, including research into new lifesaving devices on the market. Today, as a structured company, it is managed by a highly qualified team, active nationwide, capable of supplying and maintaining all safety equipment necessary for safe navigation (LSAs and FFEs). Versilia Marine Service's current market objective is to invest in research and development in high technology applied to onboard safety equipment.

What we do

Versilia Marine Service deals with the supply, maintenance, and inspection of safety equipment: life rafts, pyrotechnics, inflatable jackets, EPIRBs, Jonbuoys, and generally all mandatory lifesaving devices according to national and international regulations with proper certification issuance; it is authorised to repair PVC and neoprene inflatable boats, inspect portable fire extinguishers for marine use, and supply general onboard safety equipment. Over the years, the company has also specialised in selling workboats used as tenders, rescue boats, canoes, inflatables, inflatable catamarans (minicats), and individual and collective safety equipment essential for naval units (leisure, commercial, and military).

Where and how we work

Versilia Marine Service covers the entire national territory and the French coast, offering its customers services dedicated to protocols aimed at ensuring correct and safe navigation. Customers are constantly informed and updated on the main nautical regulations. As part of a process of adaptation and improvement of its service, in relation to the needs and expectations of customers and stakeholders, the company has chosen to define and document its quality policy as envisaged by ISO 9001:2015 standards. The implementation of activities outlined in the quality system is the tool to effectively achieve this commitment and contribute to the improvement of the product and service. Quality means doing things right the first time. This involves greater initial commitment, but allows for resource recovery and waste reduction over time.


Registered Office

Via Libeccio, 41


Via Maestrale, 5

Porto Santo Stefano

Via Maestri d'Ascia, 4

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